Rules and Regulations
Purchase of Lots
The price of lots will be established and revised by the Board of Directors. A current price list will be maintained by the Board of Directors and made available to interested persons. The payment in total will include the purchase of a lot and the provision of perpetual care. The cost of perpetual care may be established and revised by the Board of Directors.
Through its designee, the Board of Directors will provide a temporary bill of sale on which the price and location are guaranteed for two weeks from the date the temporary bill of sale is issued. A notarized deed will be issued to the purchaser upon completion of the sale. A record of the deeds will be kept by the Sexton. Only those persons whose names appear in the record of deeds will be considered owners of lots.
Sale of Lots
An owner of a lot who wishes to sell a lot shall inform the Board of Directors of the intent to sell. “For sale signs within the cemetery are not permitted. The Board of Directors may choose to buy back lots at an agreed price by both parties. An agreement will be signed by both parties and the original deed will be turned back over to the cemetery association.
Improvement of Lots
The cemetery, dedicated to the internment of the dead, deserves the respect of the living. To balance the interest in maintaining the peaceful dignity of the cemetery with the understandable desire of loved ones to personally honor and memorialize those that they mourn, the Association adopts the following rules and regulations:
1. The Board of Directors reserves to themselves the right to act to maintain the appearance of the cemetery by preventing or removing structures, plantings, or decorations that
are determined by the Board of Directors to be hazardous to visitors, injurious to the property, or unsightly.
2. Monuments, markers and gravestones shall be approved by the Board of Directors, or its designee prior to placement on the lot. Any other memorial structure shall also be authorized by the Board of Directors prior to placement on the lot. Once approved for placement the owner of the lot is responsible for maintaining the monument and the costs that go with it. Monument, gravestone or marker regulations are as follows;
Grave Marker for a single grave (4 x 8) - Maximum Width is 36 inches. No Height Restrictions.
Grave Marker for a double grave (8 x 8) - Maximum Width is 5 feet. No Height Restrictions.
Foundations are required for all Monuments, gravestones or markers installed. The Cemetery will provide the contractor for the foundation which is required for all monuments with the cost going through the monument company.
All Monuments, gravestone or markers must be installed, moved, or removed by a company/contractor with proof of insurance, workers compensation, etc. All companies or contractors must contact the sexton before installing monument, gravestone, or marker. Any installation, removal or change of Monument, gravestone or marker must have written permission from Lot Owner/Owners. The sexton must be notified & installation, removal or change must be approved by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors will determine which direction the monument and script will face in the cemetery.
Up to 3 flush markers are allowed on a 4 x 8 plot to mark cremains buried on top of full burial or marking military personnel. NO plantings or items may be placed around these flush markers.
Corner markers must be flush with ground and no larger than 6”x 6” with all lettering cut into stone not raised. All corner marker placements will be marked out by sexton prior to installation. NO plantings may be placed around these flush markers.
3. Plantings and flowers. Cut flowers and potted plants may be placed on graves within one foot of the script side of the monument. Once the flowers or plants have withered, they should be removed by the lot owner. If you have been approved for an additional flush marker on the lot, no plants or items may be placed on this monument. Trees and shrubs may not be planted. If you wish to donate a shrub or tree, please contact the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors reserves the right to prune or remove any existing tree, shrub or planting that is unsightly, overgrown, or intrusive on adjacent lots or common areas. Lot owners who wish to improve the lot through plantings and flowers are encouraged to create a memorial garden. A garden may be made by removing the sod around a stone or marker, extending no more than one foot on the script side of the stone or marker, and appropriately edged. Lot owners are responsible for maintaining their gardens. The Board of Directors may remove a garden that is not properly maintained.
4. Flags, emblems, small statues, eternal flames, or other decorations are allowed if they are modest and dignified in scope and appearance. These must be placed within one foot of the scripted side of the monument. The Cemetery association is not responsible for any items placed in the cemetery.
5. Within the cemetery’s boundaries the cutting of grass, raking of leaves, and the maintenance of roads, pathways and common areas are accomplished under the direction of the Sexton. Lot owners are responsible for maintaining gravesite plantings and decorations and for removing any withered, broken, or outdated improvement from the lot. During the cold months of November 1st to March 15th, winter decorations may remain on the graves. By March 15th, winter decorations should be removed by the lot owner, if remaining after March 15th, the Sexton will direct their removal.
Visitors are asked to respect the dignity and purpose of the cemetery. These grounds are hallowed and serve as a place of burial of the dead and a sanctuary for the living to quietly reflect and remember. The use of the cemetery for any other purpose is not permitted. Dogs or any other pets are not allowed within the cemetery.
The price of lots will be established and revised by the Board of Directors. A current price list will be maintained by the Board of Directors and made available to interested persons. The payment in total will include the purchase of a lot and the provision of perpetual care. The cost of perpetual care may be established and revised by the Board of Directors.
Through its designee, the Board of Directors will provide a temporary bill of sale on which the price and location are guaranteed for two weeks from the date the temporary bill of sale is issued. A notarized deed will be issued to the purchaser upon completion of the sale. A record of the deeds will be kept by the Sexton. Only those persons whose names appear in the record of deeds will be considered owners of lots.
Sale of Lots
An owner of a lot who wishes to sell a lot shall inform the Board of Directors of the intent to sell. “For sale signs within the cemetery are not permitted. The Board of Directors may choose to buy back lots at an agreed price by both parties. An agreement will be signed by both parties and the original deed will be turned back over to the cemetery association.
Improvement of Lots
The cemetery, dedicated to the internment of the dead, deserves the respect of the living. To balance the interest in maintaining the peaceful dignity of the cemetery with the understandable desire of loved ones to personally honor and memorialize those that they mourn, the Association adopts the following rules and regulations:
1. The Board of Directors reserves to themselves the right to act to maintain the appearance of the cemetery by preventing or removing structures, plantings, or decorations that
are determined by the Board of Directors to be hazardous to visitors, injurious to the property, or unsightly.
2. Monuments, markers and gravestones shall be approved by the Board of Directors, or its designee prior to placement on the lot. Any other memorial structure shall also be authorized by the Board of Directors prior to placement on the lot. Once approved for placement the owner of the lot is responsible for maintaining the monument and the costs that go with it. Monument, gravestone or marker regulations are as follows;
Grave Marker for a single grave (4 x 8) - Maximum Width is 36 inches. No Height Restrictions.
Grave Marker for a double grave (8 x 8) - Maximum Width is 5 feet. No Height Restrictions.
Foundations are required for all Monuments, gravestones or markers installed. The Cemetery will provide the contractor for the foundation which is required for all monuments with the cost going through the monument company.
All Monuments, gravestone or markers must be installed, moved, or removed by a company/contractor with proof of insurance, workers compensation, etc. All companies or contractors must contact the sexton before installing monument, gravestone, or marker. Any installation, removal or change of Monument, gravestone or marker must have written permission from Lot Owner/Owners. The sexton must be notified & installation, removal or change must be approved by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors will determine which direction the monument and script will face in the cemetery.
Up to 3 flush markers are allowed on a 4 x 8 plot to mark cremains buried on top of full burial or marking military personnel. NO plantings or items may be placed around these flush markers.
Corner markers must be flush with ground and no larger than 6”x 6” with all lettering cut into stone not raised. All corner marker placements will be marked out by sexton prior to installation. NO plantings may be placed around these flush markers.
3. Plantings and flowers. Cut flowers and potted plants may be placed on graves within one foot of the script side of the monument. Once the flowers or plants have withered, they should be removed by the lot owner. If you have been approved for an additional flush marker on the lot, no plants or items may be placed on this monument. Trees and shrubs may not be planted. If you wish to donate a shrub or tree, please contact the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors reserves the right to prune or remove any existing tree, shrub or planting that is unsightly, overgrown, or intrusive on adjacent lots or common areas. Lot owners who wish to improve the lot through plantings and flowers are encouraged to create a memorial garden. A garden may be made by removing the sod around a stone or marker, extending no more than one foot on the script side of the stone or marker, and appropriately edged. Lot owners are responsible for maintaining their gardens. The Board of Directors may remove a garden that is not properly maintained.
4. Flags, emblems, small statues, eternal flames, or other decorations are allowed if they are modest and dignified in scope and appearance. These must be placed within one foot of the scripted side of the monument. The Cemetery association is not responsible for any items placed in the cemetery.
5. Within the cemetery’s boundaries the cutting of grass, raking of leaves, and the maintenance of roads, pathways and common areas are accomplished under the direction of the Sexton. Lot owners are responsible for maintaining gravesite plantings and decorations and for removing any withered, broken, or outdated improvement from the lot. During the cold months of November 1st to March 15th, winter decorations may remain on the graves. By March 15th, winter decorations should be removed by the lot owner, if remaining after March 15th, the Sexton will direct their removal.
Visitors are asked to respect the dignity and purpose of the cemetery. These grounds are hallowed and serve as a place of burial of the dead and a sanctuary for the living to quietly reflect and remember. The use of the cemetery for any other purpose is not permitted. Dogs or any other pets are not allowed within the cemetery.